Parametric complexity is the notion of 'intrinsic hardness' that will be used to show the main lower bound. In this post, we'll go over the notion of parametric complexity, and view s-t mincuts (and dually, max flows) in this light.
Consider the max-flow problem on n vertices. It is parametrized by the capacity of each edge. Suppose now that we replace each such parameter by a linear function of a parameter
Now suppose we compute
- Max-flow has high (exponential) parametric complexity
- A problem with high parametric complexity has high parallel complexity
Before we go on, another simple observation. Parametric complexity starts looking a lot less mysterious if you think geometrically. Let's look at min-cut, since it's a bit easier to see what's going on. Any s-t cut is some set of edges, and its capacity is the sum of the corresponding edge capacities. Therefore, the capacity of a cut is a linear function of
We can do this for all cuts in the graph (and there are exponentially many of them). What we get is a familiar beast: the arrangement of the collection of line segments. Now what's the min-cut. For any value of
Now the lower envelope of a collection of lines (note that although these are line segments, they extend across the domain of interest and therefore function as lines for combinatorial purposes) in 2D is linear in the number of lines. Since there are exponentially many cuts, we can expect that the complexity of the lower envelope is exponential. The hard part is showing that all the dependencies (a single edge can participate in many cuts) don't prevent us from achieving this.
Some technical points:
- We assume that non-numeric parts of an input remain fixed for all values of the parameter (i.e an edge doesn't disappear or reappear)
- All linear functions come with rational coefficients.
- The bitsize of the problem is defined as the maximum bitsize of any of the vertex descriptions and the coefficients of the linear functions. Note that although
High parametric complexity bounds have already been proved for many problems of interest. Combinatorial linear programming with linear bitsizes has a parametric complexity of
Let's take a closer look at the parametrized complexity of max-flow (actually its dual, min cut). The goal is to come up with a construction that exhibits a parametric complexity exponential in the input. So we need a graph, and a way to parametrize edge capacities.
The graph itself is quite simple. It has a source s, a sink t, and vertices from 1 through n (call this set A) and 1' through n' (call this set B). s is connected to all the interior vertices, as is t. Each of A and B forms a clique. Moreover, vertices i and j', and j and i', are connected (i and j are different). One possible cut of the graph consists of all vertices in A (along with s). Another consists of all vertices in B (along with s). It will turn out that by choosing weights appropriately, both of these will represent min cuts, as will any set formed by exchanging some vertices from A with their prime counterparts in B. Since there are
This is where things start getting a little tricky, and I must confess that I don't have a clean way of explaining what happens next (which is a short way of saying that you might be better off reading the relevant construction !). In brief, the idea works like this: an edge from s to i (or i') is given a capacity
There are also cross edges to consider. An edge from i (or i') to the opposite side has the "default" capacity
What's the capacity of the cut that contains s and A on one side ? We add all edges from s to B (
But what happens as the parameter increases ? Note that it makes no sense to have i and i' on the same side of a cut, because there's no edge between them and so it's always better to keep them separate. This means that the min cut is always "complementary" with respect to A and B, which is useful. It also means that the cut will change by having i and i' swap positions as the parameter increases. The question that remains is how many times this can happen.
It turns out that via a reasonably clever (but with a boring inductive proof) argument, it can be shown that the region spanned by the parameter can be divided into
Finally, since each min cut defines a linear function of the parameter with a different slope, we obtain the desired result: namely that the number of distinct slope changes is exponential.
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