Friday, July 06, 2007


The NSF now has RSS feeds for important sections of their website. I don't know how new this is, but it's great. Some of the useful feeds:
The NSF publications link has two new items that might be of interest. The first one is about a change in formatting for proposals. If I read it correctly, it now states that Times font cannot be used for writing proposals, rather Computer Modern (>= 10pt) is the preferred font.
a. Use of only the approved typefaces identified below, a black font
color, and a font size of 10 points or larger must be used:
. For Windows users: Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype, or Georgia
. For Macintosh users: Arial, Helvetica, Palatino, or Georgia
. For TeX users: Computer Modern

A Symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special
characters; however, the font size requirement still applies;
It's a little confusing why Windows and Mac are of the same "type" as TeX.

The second document is a statistical overview of immigrant scientists and engineers in the US. Lots of interesting statistics to muse over, including this: fully 15% of all immigrant scientists and engineers in the US are Indian-born, followed by nearly 10% Chinese-born. Compare this to 19% for all of Europe.


  1. this is great. didnt knew about this.
    I also digged out NIH RSS

  2. «19% for all of Europe».. Is that surprising considering that India and China have (together) around ten times more population than all of Europe ?


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