Saturday, June 07, 2008

They're coming out of the woodwork !!

Well, maybe not, but it's getting harder and harder to keep track of all the TCS blogs out there. I just discovered that James Lee has a "trial blog" (a tlog ?) with some very interesting posts. Doing the P vs NC posts has made me jealous of all the folks and their nifty LaTeX embedded in the posts: I think I'll switch over at some point myself.


  1. Try this for latex in blogger; it works fine for me.

  2. oh, this is why you should simply subscribe to my aggregator :-) i added james lee a while ago.

  3. jurgen: that's what I currently use, but it's cumbersome.

    arvind: yes, that *is* why I should subscribe :)

  4. Great Information blog ! Thank you for keeping up the good work. I look forward to returning to your blog, and learning more from you !


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